Block Styles Changelog
= 2.2.0 =
- Added custom scripts to support the preview better for our styles in old versions
- Fixed the block styles attribute object and default value
- Fixed undefined url issue
- Fixed some form element labels
- Fixed custom style tabs button selector in site-editor with latest versions and also added backward compatibility
- Fixed some PHP warning and errors
- Improved Google and Custom fonts preview on Gutenberg editor
- Tested plugin upto WP v6.3 beta4
= 2.1.0 =
- Added border support for core/cover block
- Fixed licensing
- Fixed composer repo
- Fixed author name
- Fixed conflict with BetterDocs plugin
- Fixed package name and hook name in docBlock
= 2.0.0 =
- Added inline styling support for core/paragraph
- Added a new “Styles” tab next to “Block” to make it easier to find the styles
- Improved device-specific styling
- New developer utilities
- New filters
- Inline Styling
- Style Tab
- Better per-device styling
- New utilities for loading panel tab
- New filters (link to docs)
= 1.4.0 =
- Added plugin support in block widget editor.
- Added plugin support in FSE site editor.
- Made plugin compatibility with WP v6.0 and Gutenberg v13.0
- Improved custom CSS editor experience
- Fixed background color with transition style
= 1.3.2 =
- Fixed plugin update issue
- Fixed layout style responsiveness issue
- Updated classes of layout styles – You may see “attempt block recovery” in the editor.
- Renamed main plugin file – You will need to reactivate the plugin after updating.
= 1.3.1 =
- Enhancement: Added pseudo-elements to support background
- Enhancement: Added layout styles support to pseudo-elements
- Enhancement: Added typography styles support to pseudo-elements
- Enhancement: Added pseudo-element contents support
- Enhancement: Added pseudo-element content reset
- Enhancement: Added flex feature support for more core-blocks
- Enhancement: Added block style features support for 20+ core blocks
- Enhancement: Added responsive device preview options
- Enhancement: Added device responsive support for margin feature
- Enhancement: Added constant for plugin sidebar title
- Enhancement: Added responsive support for typography options
- Enhancement: Added responsive support for the box-shadow feature
- Enhancement: Added responsive support for dimension options
- Enhancement: Added responsive support for background styles
- Enhancement: Added responsive support for flex container and item
- Enhancement: Added editing label with the device preview icon
- Enhancement: Added editor styles support hook
- Enhancement: Added responsive support for background styles
- Fixed empty background CSS custom attribute
- Fixed layout support to pseudo-elements
- Fixed border support to pseudo-elements
- Fixed effect and mask support to pseudo-elements
- Fixed block verification failed issue
- Fixed group layout on frontend styles
- Fixed the role wise user visibility issues
- Fixed undefined issue on block selection with Gutenberg and FSE
- Fixed minor editor settings ui issue
- Improved editor styles to support WordPress version 5.9
- Improved color options
- Improved editor preview styles
- Allowed reset for pseudo-element styles
= 1.2.2 =
- Moved masks settings inside effect.
- Fixed reset for masks styles.
- Replaced mask shapes.
- Fixed abandon border-width custom attribute.
= 1.2.1 =
- Fixed licensing conflicts
- Added block style host support for licensing
= 1.2.0 =
- Added mask styling
- Added word spacing control
- Relocate text-shadow controls
- Added text stroke styles
- Fixed custom CSS CPT query conflicts