Events Calendar for LearnDash Actions & Filters for Developers - Honors WP

Actions & Filters for Developers

Actions & Filters for Developers

Events Calendar for LearnDash Filters

Limit the Number of Events Shown #

add_filter('immerseus_calendar_map_calendar_events_query_max_events', function( $amount_of_events, $user_id ) {
$amount_of_events = 10;
// Check for a specific user id
if( 1 === $user_id ) {
$amount_of_events = 10000000;
// Always return.
return $amount_of_events;
}, 2, 10);
add_filter('immerseus_calendar_map_calendar_events_query_max_events', function( ) {
return 1;

Allow Students to Create Their Own Events #

  • Defaults to allow logged-in users to add events (i.e. shows the add event button), if set to false, no button shows.
  • Only takes effect if the previous filter is ‘false’, defaults to ‘manage_options’ (= admin capabilities) can be changed to other caps. If they don’t want to show add event buttons for any user cap, they have to return false.

Change Calendar Display Language #

Changes the calendar display language from hardcoded English to the locale set in the WP admin.


Limit the Number of Users Who Can View Events #

add_filter( 'ea_events_calendar_event_visibility_user_limit', function() {
// Always return the number of users.
return 10;

Limit the Number of Visibile LearnDash Courses #

add_filter( 'ea_events_calendar_event_visibility_course_limit', function() {
// Always return the number of courses.
return 10;

Limit the Number of Visible LearnDash Groups #

add_filter( 'ea_events_calendar_event_visibility_group_limit', function() {
// Always return the number of groups.
return 10;

Number of Courses Shown in Achievements Connector Course Selection #

add_action( 'ea_events_calendar_achievement_connector_course_limit', function( $limit ) {
    return #### of courses to show;
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