Course Seats for LearnDash Changelog
= 1.4.3 =
- Fixed issue with WooCommerce checkout
= 1.4.2 =
- Added settings to LearnDash Course Settings tab
- Added setting to show number of enrolled students
- Added setting to show available course seats
- Added setting to change the order of enrolled students and available course seats on the front end
- Added setting to prevent checkout / add to cart with WooCommerce if no seats are available. (the previously added filter takes precedence over the setting)
- Fixed purchase changing course price type when seats were still available
= 1.4.1 =
- Added course id to the filters
- Added filter to exclude course price types
- Added aliases for the existing shortcodes.
- Clarified help text if the Available course seats setting is empty or has a 0 value, course seats are unrestricted.
= 1.4.0 =
- Changed default output to 0 if the available course seats have a negative value.
- Added filter to allow showing negative available course seats.
- Added filter for the remaining course seats
- Added filter to change the remaining course seats HTML output in the front end
- Added filter to check available course seats to prevent Woocommerce checkout. (Products can still be added to cart)
= 1.3.0 =
- The plugin folder has been renamed. You will have to reactivate the plugin after the update.
- Added internationalization
- Added shortcodes
- Fixed conflict with Yoast SEO
- Fixed PHP warnings
= 1.0.0 =
- Initial Release