Getting Started Documentation - Honors WP

Getting Started

Installation & Activation #

Installation Instructions must be completed first.

The Faculty and Staff Showcase plugin should be activated.

Screenshot of activated plugin
Activated Plugin

Choosing a Showcase Block #

  • To select a showcase block, click the WordPress Editor’s block inserter menu (“+” symbol) in the top left of your screen, or within the editor itself.
  • Our plugin comes with three blocks: Custom Showcase, Single Showcase, and Multiple Showcase.
Editor block inserter with showcase blocks
Choose a block!

Custom Showcase #

Overview #

  • This is the simplest block. You can update the image, edit text, and style the button using built-in editor features.
  • The showcase block itself includes the following features:
    • Alignment
    • Text and background color (including gradient option)
    • Spacing (padding)
  • Customize as you want, save/update the post, and see your changes on the front-end.
Default editor view of Custom Showcase.
Default editor view of Custom Showcase.
Front-end view after customization.
Front-end view after customization.

Single Showcase #

Overview #

  • The Single Showcase block combines all features of the Custom Showcase with automatically populating the user’s information.
  • Selecting this block will display the post author’s avatar, name, and description.
Default editor view of Single Showcase, displaying the post author’s info.
Default editor view of Single Showcase, displaying the post author’s info.

Settings Overview #

  • Showcase Options are located under the Block Settings on the right settings panel.

Post Author #

  • Selecting this option will populate the showcase with information about the post author.

Select User #

  • Selecting this option will reveal an input which can be used to select or search for an existing user to display.
Search and/or select a user to display.
Search and/or select a user to display.
Single Showcase will update with that user’s information.

Reset Changes #

  • ‘Reset Changes’ has two options:
    • Styles: reset any styling changes made (color, background color, text size, etc.)
    • Content: reset any changes made to the user’s info (name, description, etc.)
Customize as you’d like.
Customize as you’d like.
Reset Styles to default while maintaining content changes.
Reset Styles to default while maintaining content changes.
Reset Content changes to default while maintaining style changes.
Reset Content changes to default while maintaining style changes.

Multiple Showcase #

Overview #

  • Multiple Showcase allows you to display multiple users at random by selecting which user roles to display.
  • ‘Author’ is currently set as the default user role.
Default view of Multiple Showcase.
Default view of Multiple Showcase.

Settings Overview #

  • In the Block Settings, user roles are auto-generated and you can choose which role(s) to display.
  • You can use the slider or number input to choose how many users to display.
  • By default, styling one user will apply the same stylings across all users.
  • Lastly, you can customize which users to sync stylings together.
Select which user role(s) and how many users you want displayed.
Select which user role(s) and how many users you want displayed.

Selecting User Roles #

Select which users styling changes will be synced for.
Select which users’ styling changes will be synced for.
  • The list of user roles are automatically generated for you. Select as many roles as you’d like and they will display users from those roles at random.
  • If not enough users are available in the selected role(s), a default ‘user’ will be displayed.
  • By default, styling one user will apply the same stylings across all users. (This can be customized with ‘Sync Styling’, described below).

Number of Users to Display #

  • Use the slider or number input to choose how many users to display (max 4). New users will be generated from the selected user role(s).
  • By default, styling one user will apply the same stylings across all users. (This can be customized with ‘Sync Styling’, described below).
Adding an additional user role and user to display. Customizing the style of one user will reflect across all users.
Adding an additional user role and user to display. Customizing the style of one user will reflect across all users.

Choose Users to Sync Styling #

  • When users are chosen to be synced together, the following styles will be synced:
    • Image size and block styles (e.g. rounded, outline, etc.)
    • Text sizes, colors, and line height
    • Background colors
    • Button borders, colors, and block styles (e.g. fill, outline, etc.)
  • Users will automatically be added as choices to select or deselect when user role(s) selection changes or number of users to display is changed.
  • Selecting or deselecting a user will be reflected by a simple animation in the editor.
Deselecting a user will allow you to customize that user without affecting the other users.
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