Bulk Purchases Using Parent Student Access Documentation - Honors WP

Bulk Purchases Using Parent Student Access

Bulk Purchases Using Parent Student Access

Parent & Student Access for LearnDash allows you to buy courses and assign them to other users either in bulk or individually.

Method 1: LearnDash default

If you use the default LearnDash purchasing method you can only purchase a single course at a time and then that is available for assigning to one of your linked accounts.

Method 2: WooCommerce integration

With our LearnDash WooCommerce integration, you can bulk purchase courses uses the quantity field in WooCommerce and then assign them as required.

*Note*: To use this you would need LearnDash and the LearnDash WooCommerce integration plugin.

When using the ‘course’ product from the LearnDash WooCommerce add-on, you cannot change the quantity:

LearnDash WooCommerce add-on not able to change course purchase quantity.
LearnDash WooCommerce course product type.

With the filter, you can change the quantity:

     function( $return, $product ) {
          if ( 'course' === $product->get_type() ) {
               return false;
          return $return;
     }, 2, 10
     function( $return, $product ) {
          if ( 'course' === $product->get_type() ) {
               return false;
          return $return;
     }, 2, 10
LearnDash couse selection with WooCommerce add-on.
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