Import & Export Tool for LearnDash 1.4.0 - Honors WP

Import & Export Tool for LearnDash 1.4.0


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  • Author
    • #12697 Score: 0
      Justin Pine
      5 pts

      Import & Export Tool for LearnDash Release 1.4.0

      * The plugin folder has been renamed. You will have to reactivate the plugin after the update* Added support for user metadata
      * Added import and export of global LearnDash Course, Lesson, and Topic settings
      * Added internationalization
      * Changed upload directory name from immerseus to honorswp
      * Fixed errors with archive creation due to folder issues.Fixed style issues in the UI
      * Fixed issue with WordPress installations using custom folder structures
      * Fixed courses not assigned to groups
      * Fixed file path issue on some non-unix systems.
      * Fixed lessons and topics not always being mapped to courses when using the Slow Run option
      * Removed option to export as XML. Importing old XML exports will continue to work.

      View the full update blog post

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