Transfer Changelog - Honors WP


Transfer Changelog

= 1.6.0 =


  • Revamped dashboard UI for a better user experience.
  • Enabled export of summary data files for improved data management.
  • Enhanced flexibility with new settings for data import.
  • Separated import and convert processes for clearer actions.
  • Added file count display and upload progress bar for better tracking.
  • Introduced a drag-and-drop feature for convenient file uploads.
  • Included activity status and resume metabox on the settings page.
  • Made automatic backup optional before import/convert actions.
  • Whitelisted endpoints when BuddyBoss private rest settings are enabled.
  • Improved handling of related content in LifterLMS.


  • Fixed LearnDash rest endpoint issue for course search.
  • Fixed term and taxonomies mapping problems across LMS platforms.
  • Fixed course export issues for LearnDash and LifterLMS
  • Fixed LifterLMS course enrolled users retrieval function.
  • Fixed author user export functionality for LifterLMS content.
  • Fixed fatal errors and warnings, including PHP issues.

= 1.5.2 =

  • Fixed LifterLMS review post mapping

= 1.5.1 =

  • Added taxonomies description with enhanced support for parent relationships.
  • Fixed LifterLMS course meta-relationship issues related to feature images, prerequisites, and reviews.
  • Resolved PHP fatal errors and warnings.

= 1.5.0 =


  • Updated logo on the settings page
  • Enhanced file uploader functionality
  • Added a download file button for export and backup in the data table
  • Improved date and time format across all activities and data tables
  • Refined labels and strings associated with import and conversion in the dashboard
  • Included basic activity description in the activity popup modal


  • Fixed groups hierarchy relation mapping issue

= 1.4.0 =


  • Introduced a new dashboard UI for older WordPress versions


  • Included a progress bar for the convert activity in the activity details popup
  • Added the option to delete activities in the settings page
  • Implemented a DB data cleanup option when uninstalling the plugin
  • Optimized several functions and SQL queries for better performance


  • Resolved the issue that prevented files from appearing in the import directory dropdown
  • Fixed the styling layout issues on the overview screen in the old dashboard
  • Corrected the prevention of duplicate import activities
  • Addressed some PHP notices and warnings

= 1.3.0 =


  • Added bbPress support
  • Added all user export settings for LD and Lifter
  • Added LD notification plugin support
  • Added LD bbPress Integration support


  • Extends settings page to 3 sub page ( General, Tools and license )
  • Disable Email System option in settings page
  • Prevention of duplicate activity process for same data on import and convert if process is running and not completed
  • Option to disable auto backup before convert


  • Fixed typo for reset label
  • Fixed some styling issues on settings page
  • Fixed some PHP errors and warnings

= 1.2.2 =


  • Added lifter access plan support to LD access mode.
  • Added the option to reset the entire LMS data.
  • Added support for some question types in Lifter.


  • Refactored some logic to enhance the overall process.
  • Added cross LMS resume functionality.
  • Optimized multiple database calls.
  • Improved restore in Learndash from backup data.
  • Improved dashboard screen layouts with WP 6.3


  • Fixed issues related to LearnDash to Lifter and Lifter to LearnDash cross-LMS conversion.
  • Fixed lifter mime type support.
  • Fixed some typographical errors.
  • Fixed uncaught error handling when a process fails.
  • Fixed the order of CPT post data.
  • Fixed usermeta mapping issues with existing users.
  • Fixed group meta mapping for posts and users.
  • Fixed post type mapping and assignment file path mapping.
  • Fixed false response for activity status endpoint.
  • Fixed a PHP fatal error that required path correction.
  • Fixed a PHP undefined issue.

= 1.1.0 =

  • Feature: Added resume action for incomplete or failed conversion/restore actions
  • Enhancement: Enhanced undo action for incomplete conversion processes
  • Enhancement: Improved error logger and process failed capture
  • Bug: Fixed broken activity popup modal
  • Bug: Fixed topic video progression issue while mapping LD post metadata
  • Bug: Fixed status and meta for some actions
  • Bug: Fixed some string typos
  • Bug: Fixed some PHP fatal and warnings

= 1.0.1 =

  • Fixed file uploader issue on import screen
  • Fixed zip file importing issue on windows server
  • Fixed PHP notices and warnings

= 1.0.0 =

  • Initial Release
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